Southside Early Learning Center People

Photo of Diane Everson-Riley
Photo of Jennifer Ramirez

Jennifer Ramirez


Photo of Micah Anderson

Micah Anderson

School Psychologist

Photo of Therapy Dog Beans

Therapy Dog Beans

Therapy Dog

Photo of Angela Brooks

Angela Brooks

Educational Assistant

Photo of Julie Brownell

Julie Brownell

Kindergarten Teacher

Photo of Janelle Campos

Janelle Campos

Educational Assistant

Photo of Roxanne Culpitt

Roxanne Culpitt

Educational Assistant

Photo of Kathleen Danielson-Huber

Kathleen Danielson-Huber

Instructional Coach

Photo of Janette DeJesus

Janette DeJesus

Educational Assistant

Photo of Eleidys Diaz Soto

Eleidys Diaz Soto

Educational Assistant

Photo of Maggie Ehlers

Maggie Ehlers

4K Teacher

Photo of Tara Eilers
Photo of Melissa Erickson

Melissa Erickson

4K Teacher

Photo of Marisabel Espada Santiago

Marisabel Espada Santiago

Educational Assistant

Photo of Kathryn Everson

Kathryn Everson

School Counselor

Photo of Stacy Freybler

Stacy Freybler

Early Childhood Special Education Teacher

Photo of Jessica Giese

Jessica Giese

Educational Assistant

Photo of Andrea Helgerson

Andrea Helgerson

4K Teacher

Photo of Melanie Hinz

Melanie Hinz

Special Education Teacher

Photo of Autumn Janicki

Autumn Janicki

Kindergarten Teacher

Photo of Kelli Johnson

Kelli Johnson

Kindergarten Teacher

Photo of Kristina June

Kristina June

Special Education Teacher

Photo of Maria Kress

Maria Kress

Educational Assistant

Photo of Jessica Lawson

Jessica Lawson

Title I Teacher/4K Teacher

Photo of Elayne Lexen

Elayne Lexen

Speech/Language Pathologist

Photo of Laurie Lightfoot

Laurie Lightfoot

Educational Assistant

Photo of Karen Lydon

Karen Lydon

Educational Assistant

Photo of Kimberly Martinka-Morkrid

Kimberly Martinka-Morkrid

Speech/Language Pathologist

Photo of Kimberly McLendon

Kimberly McLendon


Photo of Cathy Mingus

Cathy Mingus


Photo of Julie Mingus

Julie Mingus


Photo of Lisa Penge Johnson

Lisa Penge Johnson

Instructional Coach

Photo of Esmeralda Perez

Esmeralda Perez

Educational Assistant

Photo of Danielle Peterson

Danielle Peterson

Kindergarten Teacher

Photo of Harley Pfaff

Harley Pfaff

Educational Assistant

Photo of Jada Pieterick

Jada Pieterick

Kindergarten Teacher

Photo of Cassandra Pingel

Cassandra Pingel

Kindergarten Teacher

Photo of Kristin Pulham

Kristin Pulham

Library Media Center Director

Photo of Arlene Quinones Ferrer

Arlene Quinones Ferrer

Kindergarten Teacher

Photo of Jackie Rainey

Jackie Rainey

Educational Assistant

Photo of Devyn Ressler

Devyn Ressler

Educational Assistant

Photo of Wendy Rodenberg

Wendy Rodenberg

Health Aide

Photo of Debra Rybarczyk

Debra Rybarczyk

Educational Assistant

Photo of Maria Salazar

Maria Salazar

Educational Assistant

Photo of Stephanie Salgado Sandoval

Stephanie Salgado Sandoval

Educational Assistant

Photo of Lisa Schell

Lisa Schell

4K Teacher

Photo of Lisa Schmidt-Hemker

Lisa Schmidt-Hemker

Kindergarten Teacher

Photo of Tammy Schreier

Tammy Schreier

Educational Assistant

Photo of Wendy Schroeder

Wendy Schroeder

Educational Assistant

Photo of Evie Seifert

Evie Seifert

Educational Assistant

Photo of Zoey Smith

Zoey Smith

WIN Site Coordinator, Southside Early Learning Center

Photo of Daniel Stockhaus

Daniel Stockhaus

Physical Education Teacher

Photo of Alysha Strangstalien

Alysha Strangstalien

Early Childhood Special Education Teacher

Photo of Zoe Tresemer

Zoe Tresemer

Kindergarten Teacher

Photo of Monica Treu-Olbert

Monica Treu-Olbert

Art Teacher

Photo of Trevor Tripp

Trevor Tripp

Music Teacher

Photo of Julie Wissink

Julie Wissink

Physical Therapist

Photo of Kristen Yahnke

Kristen Yahnke

Educational Assistant

Photo of Yvonne Zibrowski

Yvonne Zibrowski

Educational Assistant