Welcome to Meadowview Middle School Spartan Way!
What is PBIS and the Spartan Way?
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive approach to discipline that maximizes academic engagement and achievement for all students. Its focus is to create a positive environment for students and staff by establishing clear student behavioral expectations and taking active steps in teaching, modeling and reinforcing appropriate behaviors. In short, it’s how we teach students our expectations for behavior and a means to acknowledge students demonstrating those behaviors.
MVMS PBIS Mission: To support our district’s mission of educating all students academically, emotionally, and socially to inspire curiosity and resilience by improving the school’s culture for both students and staff. Through practice and reinforcement, MVMS is dedicated to creating an environment where all students are successful and feel like they belong.
MVMS PBIS Goal: 85% of MVMS students will follow behavior expectations as measured by office discipline referrals(ODR) with the goal being that 85% will not receive an ODR
How do we teach PBIS at MVMS?
Tier 1:
- We teach and model expectations in all of our school settings during our beginning of the year kick-off and mid-year reteach activities
- Three PBIS assemblies throughout the year focus on the Spartan Way and what that looks, feels and sounds like in our school and community
- Weekly announcements remind us of expectations in each of our school settings
- Students and staff review and practice behavior expectations as well as participate in activities to strengthen school climate during Morning Meeting at the beginning of each day
Tier 2:
- Check-in/Check-out (CICO) is a support system for students needing additional assistance to meet behavior expectations. It is a Tier 2 intervention that focuses on consistent feedback and positive reinforcement for the student.
- SAIG (Social Academic Instructional Groups) are skill-based small groups for students needing extra practice meeting specific behavior expectations
- Mentoring provides students with opportunities to build a relationship with a positive role model
How do we acknowledge students who are showing the Spartan Way?
- Spartan Way cards: Staff members recognize respectful, responsible and safe behavior by presenting students with Spartan Way cards, These then can be redeemed for incentives such as an extra recess, donuts with a cop, lunch with the principal, and other acknowledgements.
- Monthly PBIS Incentive activities: students who meet criteria are able to participate in an extra fun school-wide activity for an hour each month.
- Individual classroom incentives: teachers and students set behavior goals and acknowledgements for their classrooms. When the goal is met, the class gets an extra recess or popcorn party, for example.
- Spartan Way Postcards sent home: teachers send postcards to parents when they see their children being a good example of the Spartan Way.
MVMS PBIS Handbook can be found here: MVMS PBIS Staff Handbook
For questions or more information, please contact:
Lesley Jacobs, MVM School Counselor, ljacobs@spartan.org
Bob Sanders, MVM Assistant Principal/STEM Principal, bsanders@spartan.org

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