Meadowview Middle People

Photo of William Ott

William Ott


Photo of Bob Sanders

Bob Sanders

STEM Principal, MVM Vice Principal/Activities Director

Photo of Rebecca Kennedy

Rebecca Kennedy

Dean of Students

Photo of Karrie Kaat

Karrie Kaat


Photo of Christina Amberson

Christina Amberson

ELL Teacher

Photo of Rachel Bahl

Rachel Bahl

Educational Assistant

Photo of Alicia Barber

Alicia Barber

6th Grade Teacher

Photo of Stephanie Baumgartner

Stephanie Baumgartner

Special Education Teacher

Photo of Hunter Belongia

Hunter Belongia


Photo of Lucille Bennett

Lucille Bennett


Photo of Darian Berg

Darian Berg

7th Grade Science Teacher

Photo of Hannah Bettis

Hannah Bettis

Behavior Support Teacher

Photo of Darick Bloom

Darick Bloom

Building Substitute

Photo of Sam Brinks

Sam Brinks

Technology Education Teacher

Photo of Dylan Bruder

Dylan Bruder


Photo of Lindsey Bubnich

Lindsey Bubnich


Photo of Leslie Cervantes Paniagua

Leslie Cervantes Paniagua

Educational Assistant

Photo of Michael Cooper

Michael Cooper

8th Grade Math & English Teacher

Photo of Mark Cropp

Mark Cropp

6th Grade Math Teacher

Photo of Anthony Crowell

Anthony Crowell

6th Grade Math Teacher

Photo of Carrie Cunningham

Carrie Cunningham

Special Education Teacher

Photo of Laura Danielson

Laura Danielson


Photo of Zach Danielson

Zach Danielson

Educational Assistant

Photo of Lacey DeBoer

Lacey DeBoer

Head Custodian

Photo of Andrea DeWitte

Andrea DeWitte

5th Grade Teacher

Photo of Laura Dubosq

Laura Dubosq

Special Education Teacher

Photo of Matthew Duster

Matthew Duster

Special Education Teacher

Photo of Mallory Egstad

Mallory Egstad

Art Teacher

Photo of Loretta Ferguson

Loretta Ferguson

5th Grade Teacher

Photo of Stephanie Floberg

Stephanie Floberg

Special Education Teacher

Photo of Taylor Fortmann

Taylor Fortmann

5th Grade Teacher

Photo of Jane Francis
Photo of Melissa Frost

Melissa Frost

School Counselor

Photo of Judy Fuhrmann

Judy Fuhrmann

Building Substitute

Photo of Jessica Gachnang

Jessica Gachnang

Family & Consumer Education Teacher

Photo of Joseph Gantzer

Joseph Gantzer

Band Teacher

Photo of Lexi Garant

Lexi Garant

Educational Assistant

Photo of Jakhia Gray

Jakhia Gray

Educational Assistant

Photo of Madelynn Green

Madelynn Green

Agriculture Teacher

Photo of Shawna Greunke

Shawna Greunke

Music Teacher

Photo of Tammy Guldenaar

Tammy Guldenaar

Educational Assistant

Photo of Jill Guns

Jill Guns

5th Grade Teacher

Photo of Theresa Guzy

Theresa Guzy

Nutrition Team Leader

Photo of Joanne Hagen

Joanne Hagen

5th Grade Teacher

Photo of Taylor Hager

Taylor Hager

Physical Education and Adaptive PE Teacher

Photo of Whitney Hanson

Whitney Hanson

Special Education Teacher

Photo of Susan Helgeson
Photo of Amanda Henthorne

Amanda Henthorne

Educational Assistant

Photo of Brittney Hilliard

Brittney Hilliard

Educational Assistant

Photo of Paulette Huber
Photo of Jennifer Hund

Jennifer Hund

6th Grade Science & Social Studies Teacher

Photo of Melanie Hunter

Melanie Hunter

8th Grade Math Teacher

Photo of Cassie Huntington

Cassie Huntington

Health Aide

Heather Hysell

Educational Assistant

Photo of Lesley Jacobs

Lesley Jacobs

School Counselor

Photo of Allison Janes

Allison Janes

Math Teacher

Photo of Jeremy Johnson

Jeremy Johnson

Special Education Teacher

Photo of Mary-Elizabeth Jones

Mary-Elizabeth Jones

Educational Assistant

Jordan Karch

Special Education Teacher

Photo of Jenna Kast

Jenna Kast

Health and Physical Education Teacher

Photo of Jessica Kaufmann

Jessica Kaufmann

Educational Assistant

Photo of Danielle Keenan

Danielle Keenan

Technology Integration Coach

Photo of Sabrina Kelley

Sabrina Kelley

Educational Assistant

Photo of Maria Klema

Maria Klema


Photo of Chesnee Klinkner

Chesnee Klinkner

Educational Assistant

Photo of Teresa Kobernick
Photo of Deborah Lamb

Deborah Lamb

Educational Assistant

Anna Langer

English Teacher

Photo of Ranae LaRock
Photo of Denise Larson

Denise Larson

5th Grade Teacher

Photo of AnnaMae Lawrynk

AnnaMae Lawrynk

Educational Assistant

Photo of Alex Lightfoot

Alex Lightfoot


Photo of Trystan Lightfoot

Trystan Lightfoot


Photo of Andrew Logue

Andrew Logue

Building Substitute

Photo of Renee Marshall

Renee Marshall

Physical Education/Adaptive PE Teacher

Photo of Nilse Martinez-Ariza

Nilse Martinez-Ariza

Educational Assistant

Photo of Kimberly Martinka-Morkrid

Kimberly Martinka-Morkrid

Speech/Language Pathologist

Photo of Brenda Matson

Brenda Matson

Educational Assistant

Photo of Bailey McNamara

Bailey McNamara

5th Grade Teacher

Photo of Peyton Mensink

Peyton Mensink

7th Grade Science/Social Studies Teacher

Photo of Amy Meyer

Amy Meyer


Photo of Samantha Michaelsen

Samantha Michaelsen

Special Education Teacher

Photo of Gabriel Miller

Gabriel Miller

7th Grade Social Studies Teacher

Photo of Nathaniel Mitchell

Nathaniel Mitchell

Social Studies Teacher

Photo of Anthony Morabito

Anthony Morabito

7th Grade English Teacher

Martha Moran

7th Grade Math Teacher

Photo of McKenna Murphy

McKenna Murphy

7th Grade Math Teacher

Photo of Jodi Mutschler

Jodi Mutschler

Educational Assistant

Photo of McKenna Nehring

McKenna Nehring

English Teacher

Photo of Taylor Nelson

Taylor Nelson

5th Grade Teacher

Photo of Kerstin Newsted

Kerstin Newsted

6th Grade Teacher

Photo of Andrew Nicholson

Andrew Nicholson

Music/Band Teacher

Photo of Carla O'Rourke

Carla O'Rourke

School Counselor

Photo of Zachary Olson

Zachary Olson

5th Grade Teacher

Photo of Eric Pederson

Eric Pederson

Science Teacher

Photo of Cynthia Phelps-Lee

Cynthia Phelps-Lee

Educational Assistant

Photo of Chloe Pilsner

Chloe Pilsner

Art Teacher

Photo of Heather Pitsenbarger

Heather Pitsenbarger

Special Education Teacher

Photo of Nathan Pollnow

Nathan Pollnow

6th Grade Social Studies Teacher

Photo of Matthew Quick

Matthew Quick

Physical Education Teacher

Photo of Laurie Rappa

Laurie Rappa

7th Grade English Teacher

Photo of Robin Reid

Robin Reid

LMC Secretary

Photo of Pauline Richard

Pauline Richard

Special Education Teacher

Photo of Kennedy Ringle

Kennedy Ringle

8th Grade English Teacher

Photo of Aundrea Romberg

Aundrea Romberg

Educational Assistant

Photo of Isabel Rooney

Isabel Rooney

Special Education Teacher

Photo of Jessica Ryan

Jessica Ryan

Educational Assistant

Photo of Rathorn Scholz

Rathorn Scholz

School Psychologist

Photo of Breianne Scholze

Breianne Scholze

LMC Secretary

Joshua Shimak

English Teacher

Photo of Misty Short

Misty Short

Educational Assistant

Photo of Margaret Sloan

Margaret Sloan

Educational Assistant

Photo of Beth Smith

Beth Smith

Library Media Center Director

Photo of Jennifer Smith

Jennifer Smith


Photo of Kyle Sonnemann

Kyle Sonnemann

Vocal Music/General Music Teacher

Photo of Elizabeth Sullivan

Elizabeth Sullivan

Reading Specialist

Photo of Carolyn Taylor

Carolyn Taylor

Instructional Coach

Photo of Melinda Vazquez

Melinda Vazquez

Educational Assistant

Photo of Morgan Vehrenkamp

Morgan Vehrenkamp

6th Grade English Teacher

Photo of Emily Virata

Emily Virata

8th Grade Science/Social Studies Teacher

Photo of Maria Wegner

Maria Wegner

Educational Assistant

Photo of Tammy Westberry

Tammy Westberry

Educational Assistant

Photo of Kerstin Witkiewicz

Kerstin Witkiewicz

8th Grade Math Teacher

Photo of Megan Witt

Megan Witt

Math Interventionist

Photo of Melissa Zwiefel

Melissa Zwiefel

Health Aide